
Saturday, December 27, 2014

(MUD BOG ISLAND) Shantae and The Pirate's Curse: All the Cacklebats/Heart Squids in Mud Bog Island.

Part 5 is here!

Mud Bog Island   

Cacklebats: 3
Heart Squids: 6

Cacklebat #1-
Utilities needed-  none

This Cacklebat is found hidden behind some purple blocks. It won't be hard to find, just take your time while trekking through the first part of this island. Should be under a platform while your heading deeper into the island. You wont miss it!

Gonna get chya'!

Cacklebat #2-
Utilities needed- Hat Upgrade, Scimitar/Sword Upgrade

This Cacklebat is found high above some platforms in the second part of the island. Once in the room with those blue female archers, you'll be able to reach it by hitting the eye switch -(to hit the eye switch, you'll need to have the Scimitar/Sword to reach it since it's surrounded by rock) Once you hit the eye switch, go left and glide to the cage using the Hat Upgrade. From the cage jump left and you should be in front the platform to the next screen.

Reach this switch by using the sword..
This cage will swing near you..




Cacklebat #3-

Utilities needed- Cannon Upgrade, Hat Upgrade

As soon as you enter the second part of Mud Bog Island, there will be a platform above where you'll see a opening leading to the right. In there lies a Cacklebat. Get there by using your upgrades.

    Sorry the picture is like this.. I wanted to show exactly where you'll need to be for the Cacklebat.

There you are!

Heart Squid #1-

Utilities needed- Cannon Upgrade/ Hat Upgrade

This Heart Squid is found a little after the first half of the beginning of the island. You'll notice it when there's a high platform far out above you, and when the land starts to descend a little. Use the Cannon upgrade to get up there.

Heart Squid #2-
Utilities needed- Boot Upgrade

For this Heart Squid, which is located in the second part of Mud Bog Island, you'll need to start at the beginning of the screen to the right of it. Kill any monsters in your way and start moving to the left. Once you can, use your ramming upgrade to ram under the Heart Squid. Jump to it and it's yours!

Heart Squid #3-
Utilities needed- Boot Upgrade

To get this Heart Squid, you'll need to hit the eye switch to the lower far left of it. Stand on the platform it's on and start moving to the right. Once ready, use your Boot upgrade to ram through all the blocks and finally to the Heart Squid.

Once you're on this platform, run right and ram your way to the Heart Squid

Heart Squid #4-
Utilities needed-  Boot Upgrade

Once in the center of the dungeon, you'll find this Heart Squid. To get it, you'll need to unlock the first door to the left and continue up it's path. Once your at the end of it, you'll be given enough space to ram allllll the way towards it. Just try it.

Heart Squid #5-
Utilities needed- Boot Upgrade

To get this Heart Squid you have to... it's pretty self explanatory, haha. Just go where I am in this picture and use your Boot Upgrade. Running to the left, go all the way with your charge to the end and ram into the wall.  Then the Heart Squid will fall and it'll be yours.

Heart Squid #6-
Utilities needed- None

When you reach the vertical room with the cages and moving platforms, just head all the way up. Then take the cage at the top that moves you to the left side of the room. Finally drop down to the Heart Squid.

We did it! Now onto the next island!
Click this link for Frostbite Island!


- Click here for Scuttle Town.

- Click here for Saliva Island. 

-Click here for Tan Line Island.

-Click here for Spiderweb Island 


Thursday, December 25, 2014

(TAN LINE ISLAND) Shantae and The Pirate's Curse: All the Cacklebats and Heart Squids on Tan Line Island!

 Tan Line Island

 Cacklebats: 4
  Heart Squids: 4

Cacklebat 1 -
 Utilities needed- Just yo hair. From outside its cage, just whip your hair(back and forth) at it.
This Cacklebat is located in the center of the castle.


Cacklebat 2 -
 Utilities needed- Scimitar/Sword Upgrade, Boot upgrade

Find this purple block after getting the Golden Pickaxe. From here use the Scimitar upgrade to go below.

Dropping down, there will be enough distance for you to use your Boot upgrade to ram through a big white block and right to a Cacklebat!

Cacklebat 3 -
 Utilities needed- none

This one was a little tricky for me. Find the quicksand area located between two pillars with faces on them. As it turns out, you wont take damage going down here!

This high sand space has no cross bones emitting from it.. Could it be?...

Yes! We can go down. And there's a Cacklebat here

Cacklebat 4 -
Utilities needed- Scimitar Upgrade

There should be a purple block in place here near where Shantae is standing. Get the Scimitar upgrade to break the block!

There it is! #4!

Heart Squid 1- none

During the part of the game where you are trying to find the other captured girls, you'll encounter a cross way. Take the one on the left where the platform with the face is looking at.
"And what are you wearing?..."

Heart Squid 2
Utilities needed- Scimitar upgrade

Simply break the blocks with the Scimitar technique and crawl through!
This one is near the beginning of the dungeon. It looks trapped.. :(


Heart Squid 3 -
Utilities needed-  Cannon upgrade

This Heart Squid is found in the right side of the dungeon in a box like place on the map.
It's high up, so to get it you'll need the Cannon jump.

Got it a bit early, haha.


Heart Squid 4-
Utilities needed- none

This Heart Squid is hidden in a purple block. To find it just head to the room in the dungeon with all the purple blocks and break the block all the way down to the  bottom left. 

Found ya!

Great job! Onto the next island! Click this link for a guide on Mud Bog Island.

- Click here for Scuttle Town.

- Click here for Saliva Island. 

-Click here for Spiderweb Island 

-Click here for
Frostbite Island! 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

(SPIDERWEB ISLAND) Shantae and The Pirate's Curse: All the Cacklebats/Heart Squids on Spiderweb Island.

Part 3 is here! All Cacklebats and Heart Squids on Spiderweb Island!
This island had one of the more difficult Cacklebats to find, but with some help I got it. Hope this help others!

Spiderweb Island

Cacklebats: 3
Heart Squids: 5

 Cacklebat #1
Utilities needed-

This Cacklebat is located right in the open where the entrance to the Cackle dungeon is.

I'll get 'chya later.

 Cacklebat #2
Utilities needed- Cannon jump

From Rotty Tops place go to the left. From this screen, the Cacklebat is located up and top right of the screen. However to make it here, you must have the Cannon upgrade.

Cacklebat #3
Utilities needed- Scimitar upgrade

At the first few screens of this island, there should be a small hill with a space below it. Once you have the Scimitar/Sword upgrade, break down here and you'll fall into a underground space with a Cacklebat here. 

Heart Squid #1

This Heart Squid is located in Rotty Top's home. It's all the way to the right.

Heart Squid #2
Utilities needed- Scimitar upgrade.

This Heart Squid is located in the first part of the island where you are traversing up. It's visible as long as you move through the level and is located at the top of the map on your lower screen. To get it you'll need to use the Scimitar to break down through.

Heart Squid #3
Utilities needed- Cannon upgrade(and preferably the Hat upgrade)

This Heart Squid is in the dungeon in the big room with all the monster octopus mouths or whatever they're called. Once you find it, know that there is a opening under the platform where the Heart Squid is at. To get it, use the monster mouths to get to the top of the platform it's on. Then from there fall and Cannon jump to get to the Heart Squid from under it. It may be tricky at first and will require a few tries but you'll definitely get it.

                     See where the Heart Squid is? There is an opening right under the platform,

From around here, fall and then cannon jump to get inside the platform from underneath. 

 Heart Squid #4
Utilities needed- none

This one is pretty straightforward to get. As long as you're traversing the dungeon normally you'll encounter it. It is located to the long left area of the dungeon.

Heart Squid #5
Utilities needed- none

This Heart Squid is located to the top left of dungeon. To get it, stand on the ledge to the right. Then simply move left into the platform and Shantae will begin to crawl into the platform.

We completed Spiderweb Island! ^_^ - Click here for the next island, Tan Line Island. Here's the link

- Click here for Scuttle Town.

- Click here for Saliva Island. 

-Click here for Mud Bog Island.

-Click here for
Frostbite Island!

Monday, December 22, 2014

(SALIVA ISLAND) Shantae and The Pirate's Curse: All the Cacklebats/Heart Squids on Saliva Island.

Here is Part 2 of my Cacklebat and Heart Squid locations for Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. We take on Saliva Island!

Saliva Island

Cacklebats: 2
Heart Squids: 5

Cacklebat #1
Utilities needed- none, but the hat upgrade is preferred for those who'll have trouble timing movement.

This Cacklebat is located above the 2 girls who are on Spring Break. To get here just fall through the hole from the place that has a bunch of frogs and waterfall serpents. While falling, there will be a opening hole to the left. Move towards it while falling and you'll be good. It shouldn't be too hard to get in, but if you are having a problem, then get the hat upgrade to make it easier. Go in and get that magic!

Cacklebat #2
Utilities needed- none

This Cacklebat is a freebie. Just head to the right of the big lizard at the top of this place. The Cacklebat will be in the corner of this screen.

Heart Squid #1
Utilities needed- Pistol upgrade

This Heart Squid at first will be locked in by switch activated columns. To get this Heart Squid you will have to shoot the eye switch that's above and to the right of it with Risky's pistol. Once you hit it, the eye will open and the Heart Squid will be free to take.

Heart Squid #2
Utilities needed- Cannon and Hat Upgrade

This Heart Squid will require some jumping and travel to get to. Start off on the screen with the curvy woman statues and go all the way to the top right. From there (or from the first statue to the left IF you have the cannon upgrade) jump and glide to the other side of the screen and you'll see that there is an opening to go into. 
Go through and climb up and you'll see Heart Squid no 2!  

Heart Squid #3
Utilities needed- none

To get this Heart Squid just travel right upon entering this dungeon and you'll see it. Simply walk and Shantae will crawl through.  

Heart Squid #4
Utilities needed- none

This Heart Squid is located at the bottom of the dungeon. Pretty easy to locate. To get it just walk right off the platform, and then immediately move left to land near the platform the heart squid is on. 

Heart Squid #5
Utilities needed- none

This Heart Squid can be found just by heading right when you enter the dungeon about 3 screens in. Once you see it, just go to the opposite side of it and walk. Shantae will crawl through the other side slowly and you'll be able to get it. 

With Saliva Island done, lets head to Spiderweb Island. Click this link for it!

- Click here for Scuttle Town.

- Click here for
Tan Line Island.

- Click here for Mud Bog Island.

-Click here for
Frostbite Island!